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La donna più anziana al mondo compie 117 anni I 10 segreti della longevita’ Qual è il segreto per vivere più a lungo? Ce lo chiediamo spesso e molto probabilmente esiste più di una risposta. La scienza e l’esperienza umana da molto tempo cercano di individuare un elisir di lunga vita che garantisca benessere e salute. Le ricerche più recenti ci vengono in aiuto per capire cosa fare per vivere meglio e di più, mantenendo una qualità della vita elevata. Ecco i 10 principali segreti della longevità. 1) RiposoIl segreto della longevità è nel riposo, oltre che in una dieta...

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20 Proven Health Benefits of Durian that you need know. Moreover, the durian contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. the durian is a delicious, soft and sweet fruit inside but has spines that cover its exterior. The Benefits of durian belongs to the genus durian. is known for its unique flavor and also for its nutritional value. In the countries of the Southeast, it is referred to as “King of Fruits”. The durian is a seasonal fruit that grows from June to August, the same as the mango. The durian is known for its large size, when fully ripened, the fruits can reach a size of 30 centimeters easily....

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Proven Health Benefits of peppermint tea that you need know. Moreover, the mint tea contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. mint tea is more than just plain delicious. It has been proven to have some fairly amazing health and beauty benefits too. From the tips of your hair to the tips of your toes and everything in between, mint tea benefits can be varied and powerful. Mint is the name for over a dozen plant species, including peppermint and spearmint, that belong to the genus Mentha. These plants are particularly known for the cooling sensation they impart. They can be added to foods in...

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Health Benefits of Guava Juice that you need know. Moreover, the Guava Juice contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of Guava Juice for health. Like to know what the benefits of Guava Juice are? Know the properties of Guava Juice: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin. What are the benefits of drinking guava juice? Quick and healthy reasons to drink guava juice. Guava is loaded with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants as well as dietary fiber and can be highly beneficial for health. Apart from the great taste, the benefits of this juice also work as a major reason for the popularity of it. Instead of an apple...

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Proven Health Benefits of Persimmon that you need know. Moreover, the persimmon water contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. The Benefits of persimmon For Health are varied. Because, persimmon has a lot of nutrients that are essential for the body’s overall health. In addition, persimmon is known as “Divine Fruit” because of its scientific name of Greek origin, and is found in abundance during the fall. Although there are several varieties of persimmon, the most popular is the native Chinese, persimmon Diospyros, widely known as the Japanese persimmon. Persimmon is a low calorie fruit, and is available in astringent and non-astringent variants and can be enjoyed in its natural form or dried fruit. Persimmon is...

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