20 Health Benefits of Guava Juice

20 Health Benefits of Guava Juice

Health Benefits of Guava Juice that you need know. Moreover, the Guava Juice contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the benefits of Guava Juice for health. Like to know what the benefits of Guava Juice are? Know the properties of Guava Juice: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin.

What are the benefits of drinking guava juice? Quick and healthy reasons to drink guava juice. Guava is loaded with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants as well as dietary fiber and can be highly beneficial for health. Apart from the great taste, the benefits of this juice also work as a major reason for the popularity of it.

Instead of an apple a day, you can include a guava a day in your diet and keep the doctor away. However, it is best suggested to bank on only the freshly prepared guava juice, as the packaged ones always come with added preservatives and sweeteners, which makes it less healthy and may be even harmful when taken daily.

How is guava juice useful for health? Guava juice can benefit your health in multiple ways. At one hand it can help you to get better immunity and at the other it can effectively cure any digestive problems. The anti-oxidants present in guava juice can be most helpful to keep you energetic and to fight the signs of aging. What are the benefits of guava juice? Now let us get into the detail of how drinking guava juice helps in better health.

Guava Nutrition Facts: This popular fruit is a powerhouse of nutrients. Guava is a good source of energy, dietary fiber, and vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, thiamine, and riboflavin. It also contains essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

Guava juice boosts immunity: How to boost immune system with guava juice? Guava juice is best for immune system. Guava juice is loaded with Vitamin C, which makes it ideal and effective for boosting the natural immunity of the body. Better immunity can help you to stay away from any common illnesses including cough and cold. The vitamin C of guava juice can also be effective to clear the mucus from chest promoting better respiratory health. While preparing the guava juice, never discard the seeds, as these seeds contain maximum amount of the Vitamin C.

Prevents Cancer: Guava Juice is very beneficial for the cancer patients because of its richness in Vitamin C which can kill cancerous cells and stop their growth. It is highly recommended for the patients suffering from skin cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer because vitamin C constituent can safeguard their body from cancer cells.

Guava juice helps in maintaining blood sugar levels: How to control blood sugar levels with guava juice? Guava juice has high fiber in it (just make sure that you do not discard any part of the fruit while making the juice) which can be most effective to regulate the absorption of sugar into the body.

Guava has a low glycaemic index and it prevents any spike in the blood sugar levels which makes it an ideal food for the patients of diabetes. Guava has also been found to be effective in preventing Type 2 diabetes.

Lessens Risk Of Diabetes: Guava comprises of fibre in excess which is responsible for lowering the blood sugar levels. It also cleans up the digestive system of an individual and maintains the free bowel movement to great extent. In this manner, guava fruit and its juice lowers the risk of diabetes sand makes the digestive system free from bacterial infections from inside.

Guava juice promotes better heart health: Guava has the right sodium and potassium content which helps in balancing the sodium-potassium level in the body, which is vital for proper working of the heart. In addition to that the high fiber content of guava also helps in lowering triglyceride and low density cholesterol or bad cholesterol from the blood, and thus increases the amount of good cholesterol in the body, which as a whole promotes a better cardiovascular system. Reduced amount of bad cholesterol also helps in maintaining normal blood pressure.

mproves Eye Sight: Guava is also very beneficial for improving eyesight because it is highly rich in retinol. In fact, retinol is responsible for improving eye health as it contains Vitamin A in high quantity. Consumption of guava either in form of fruit or in form of juice is quite beneficial in preventing eyes from different eye diseases too.

Guava juice promotes better thyroid health: Health benefits of guava juice. The thyroid gland plays an important role in overall well being. The secretion of this gland controls and affects a number of vital processes in the body. Creation of different hormones and their absorption are mostly regulated by the secretion of the thyroid gland.

Guava is a good source of Copper, which can be helpful to ensure better thyroid health promoting better hormonal balance in the body and over all well being.

Promotes Fertility: Guava juice is also very rich in a mineral named ‘folate‘ that promotes fertility in men as well as women. It is mostly recommended by medical professional for women undergoing pregnancy stage as it promotes fertility on them.

Treats constipation and promotes digestive health: Guava juice can effectively treat constipation. It is high in fiber and can be one of the best fruits to cure any type of stomach infections naturally. If you have been suffering from stomach ailments for a long time, that seems not to go, start taking 1 full glass of ripe guava juice everyday and you can see the difference in a week. Just make sure that you do not discard any part of the fruit while making the juice.

Regulates Blood Pressure: Guava juice is also very good for regulating blood pressure levels as its contains potassium in high amount. Presence of potassium in guava fruit and its juice normalize the blood pressure level and therefore recommend its juice to drink for the treatment of anxiety and paralysis attack.

Guava juice promotes better memory and brain health: How to promote brain health and memory with guava juice? Guava juice contains vitamin B3 and Vitamin B6 which are known for their ability to increase the blood flow in the brain which can improve the cognitive functions naturally. These vitamins nourish the brain cells and helps in proper functioning of the brain. Hence, drinking guava juice can be ideal for every one of every age.

Guava is ideal for pregnant women: What are the benefits of drinking guava juice during pregnancy? Folic acid is one of the most vital nutrients needed for the growth and development of the brain and nervous tissues of the fetus. Folic acid deficiency in the expecting mother, can easily lead to neural abnormality in the child.

Guava is rich in folic acid, and hence it can cure folate deficiency in the body of the expecting mother. As guava is also effective in curing constipation which is often a common problem during pregnancy, guava juice makes an ideal drink for pregnant ladies.

Absorbs Key Nutrients From Food: Guavas are highly rich in manganese which also makes it perfect fruit to consume. Presence of manganese in Guava is quite helpful for the body to absorb all key nutrients from the food that is consumed. In fact, manganese is responsible for absorbing all key nutrients including vitamins, biotin etc from the food when it gets properly utilized.

Guava juice prevents scurvy: Scurvy is caused due to vitamin C deficiency in the body and it can result into a number of serious symptoms. The vitamin C content in guava is much more than many other fruits you can think of. Guava even has more Vitamin C than orange and hence drinking guava juice everyday can keep you safe from this disease.

Gives Relaxation To Nerve Cells: Guavas also delivers feeling of relaxation to nerve cells and plays a role of a good nervous relaxant comfortably. It gives relaxation to nerves as well as muscle of the body which makes it perfect choice to consume after a daily diet plan.

Guava for better skin: How guava juice is benefit for skin care? The rich anti-oxidant content of guava not only prevents oxidative damage to the internal organs but also to the skin and hence for all those beauty conscious people, including guava juice in their regular diet is a must.